“Patents make vaccines unaffordable”. Delen de la Paz, Philippines

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Interview with Philippine doctor and national coordinator of Peoples Health Movement (PHM) Dr. Delen de la Paz on the social and medical effects of the Covid 19 Pandemic and the worsening Human Rights situation in the Philippines.

On Wednesday, March 10, the 162 members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) will meet to discuss once again in the so-called TRIPS Council the request of more than 100 countries of the Global South to suspend Covid19 patents and other intellectual property rights. But Germany, Europe and almost all industrialized nations are blocking the TRIPS waiver to suspend intellectual property rights during the pandemic.

We interviewed medico partners, doctors and health activists from the Global South about the pandemic in their countries and why the governments of the rich countries have to give up their blockade of patent protection.

Protests are stirring around the world. Numerous movements from all over the world are demanding a suspension of the Corona patents. That is why we too, along with many others, are protesting in solidarity with the people of the Global South in front of the German Ministry of Economics on March 10, 2021.

Patents Kill. Vaccines belong to everyone. Everywhere.

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