神奈川「バーチャル開放区」村田望 & 出口ユミ 3大アヴェ・マリアで紡ぐ ~感謝のうた~

134 Aufrufe
A message to Essential workers
by Kanagawa "Virtual Opening Area"
Nozomi Murata & Yumi Deguchi play songs of Ave Maria


The two musicians who are connected by music in Yokohama, a city that continues to transmit culture with the times. have started co-starring since 2019. They played heartful songs and piano performances in many concerts together. In July 2020 the concert  ” Hommage à la mer et le ciel ( Tribute to the sea and the sky)”  was canceled due to Covid-19. 
And now sending a message that can be conveyed in music at “ Kanagawa Virtual Open Area” which is the stage of the cultural arts presentation on internet. 

⭐︎村田 望 Nozomi Murata 声楽家/フリーアナウンサー

◆村田望 オフィシャルサイト
村田望パフォーマンス Nozomi Murata Performance https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZh0M0mpkfAI7rb3GfAKUQ
【のん 楽学】生きてるってすんばらしい ! 
◆Twitter  @nozomimurata

 Nozomi Murata Vocalist / Free announcer 
Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music. Completed the opera singer development department of Japan Opera Promotion Association. A prize winner in the 2nd French Music Competition. She has a wide range of experience from religious tune soloists to opera musicals. Along with music activities, she also plays an active role in the field of talk as a announcer and as a narrator. Currently Kamakura FM "Invitation to classical music" personality. A member of Console C, Yokohama Music Culture Association, Kamakura Music Club (Kamakura Musicians Association).

⭐︎出口 ユミ Yumi Deguchi  ピアノ

Yumi Deguchi  Piano 
Master`s degree as solo pianist from Music College in Malmoe, Sweden. Also have studied the accompaniment course there. During her study period in Sweden, she performed in many concerts as the "French Piano International Festival" in Paris and the Chamber Music Festival in Stockholm and Germany. After returning to Japan, she has started living in Yokohama. She performs "Sounds from Scandinavia” series concerts in Aichi, Kanagawa and Iwate pref. And Family concert in Kanazawa-ward has been held since 2005.

Hej! Anna!
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