115 Aufrufe
IELTS Listening Practice Test with answers. Presented by Career Zone IELTS institute Moga, India. This test is based on the real exam pattern.
In part 1 you will hear a discussion about THE SURVEYOR WANTS TO FIND OUT ABOUT In part 2 narrator will tell you about DAN CROZ WENT TO SINGAPORE In part 3 you will hear a conversation about FEEDBACK FORM finally in part 4 you will hear a lecture about WAX SCULPTURE MARIE TUSSAUD and in the end you will get answers for the test. This IELTS Listening test is specially designed for the aspirants who want to score 7+ so one should not miss it.

INSTRUCTIONS - You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

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