104 Aufrufe
►Sign up for Celsius using the link below, for a cool $20 when you deposit $200! (Use Promo Code: web30, once you sign up, for a bonus $30) - https://celsiusnetwork.app.link/118822af6a

► Maker’s MKR Token Surges to 2-Year High on DeFi Growth - https://www.coindesk.com/mkr-token-surges-2-year-high-defi
► Ethereum Just Passed It's 2017 ATH On Google Trends - https://twitter.com/COLINTCRYPTO/status/1346899147568394242/photo/1
► Top 100 Assets By Marketcap - https://assetdash.com/
► Alex Saunders Waves The "Yellow Flag" - https://twitter.com/AlexSaundersAU/status/1346953713319964672
► UK’s Ban on Crypto Derivatives Goes Into Effect Today - https://www.coindesk.com/uks-ban-on-crypto-derivatives-goes-into-effect-today
► No More KYC with ShapeShift - https://erikvoorhees.medium.com/no-more-kyc-with-shapeshift-6d95a3e63ddf
► FinCEN's wallet rule is open for another day of comments because 'government officials can’t count to 15' - https://cointelegraph.com/news/fincen-s-wallet-rule-is-open-for-another-day-of-comments-because-government-officials-can-t-count-to-15
► 'This is the way' (Reddit Bitcoin Meme Video) - https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/krhjua/this_is_the_way/

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