12th Edition of KIXs by St. Xavier's College (Calcutta) Alumni Association - PART 3

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St. Xavier's College (Calcutta) Alumni Association has been organizing Knowledge and Ideas Xchange Series (KIXs) - the platform for interactive exchange of ideas and visions for last 3 years.

Here's the 12th Edition of KIXs is going to be organized on Friday 31st July 2020 at 6:00pm through Zoom meeting / Facebook Page - the topic being "Behavioural Changes in Financial Markets and Investment Opportunities in the post-COVID Economy". 

The speakers in this session were leading Banker, Financial Market Specialist and our very own XaverianMr. Mayank Khemka, Chief Investment Officer - India, Deutsche Bank and Mr. Naresh Pachisia, Founder & MD of SKP  Securities Ltd.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Dominic Savio SJ, Principal St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Kolkata and President St. Xavier's College (Calcutta) Alumni Association has kindly consented to deliver a Welcome Address and set the tone of this enthralling session.

You are requested to SUBSCRIBE our YouTube channel and see the video if you missed it or want to recollect the key points of the session
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