13 years of failed NT Intervention - Yingiya Mark Guyula MLA

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13 years of failed NT Intervention - First Nations people demand their solutions
Recording of an online Forum on Friday, 19 June 2020 - speech of Yingiya Mark Guyula MLA - A Liya Dhalinymirr leader of the Djambarrpuyngu people.

21 June is the 13th anniversary of the discriminatory and brutal NT Intervention, now so-called "Stronger Futures".

Last year in an open letter (http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/media/Open-Letter-Ken-Wyatt-21-6-19.pdf) to Ken Wyatt, Minister for Indigenous Australians, First Nations People from Central Australia, stated: “Although Aboriginal people have become conditioned to the detrimental impacts of those racist laws, the trauma is deeply entrenched and continues. ... The voices of people struggling under these racist laws have not been heard, or their pleas have been distorted to impose further repressive laws on them.”

A new report (https://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/2106156/NT-Intervention-Evaluation-Report-2020.pdf) on the Intervention from the Castan Centre of Monash University has given yet another damning picture of the abject failure of these laws to address the cultural and social well-being of First Nations People. Child removals and incarceration rates have skyrocketed with all the consequent devastation on families and communities. Compounding the detrimental effects of the Intervention, changes made to the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 have weakened First Nations People’s land control, causing great concern.

The failure of the Intervention has contributed to the unacceptable vulnerability of people as the country is facing Covid-19.

This forum moderated by Professor Larissa Behrendt is an opportunity to hear First Nations People speak of their lived experience and discuss the way forward in the struggle to be heard.

This is a recording of Yingiya Mark Guyula MLA - A Liya Dhalinymirr leader of the Djambarrpuyngu people (https://www.yingiya.net).
For a recording of the complete forum and links to other speeches see https://youtu.be/G-ypjehkCiM

This forum was organized by:
cA (concerned Australians) - http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au
IRAG (Intervention Rollback Action Group) - http://rollbacktheintervention.wordpress.com
STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney) - http://stoptheintervention.org
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