20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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This is a pre-recorded Mass for the the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time in 2020. It was recorded in the Church of the St Simon the Apostle Parish in Rowville, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Fr. Kevin Dillon, Parish Priest, presided. It also includes some elements to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Lady (normally celebrated on 15 August) as well as a small commemoration for the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Recording of the Mass was done on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 in accordance with all regulations in place in the state of Victoria on the day and all guidelines from the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Specifically, all filming was done in accordance with Stage 4 COVID-19 restrictions in the state of Victoria, including wearing of masks as required currently in Victoria.

The hymns were pre-recorded on 7 May (for the 5th Sunday of Easter which was also Mother's Day) and 23 April (for ANZAC Day), and recording on each of those days observed the relevant restrictions in place at the time.
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