21 LEGIT APPS | Win Make Earn Money Cash Bitcoin Rewards Paypal App Game Online 2020 Review Video

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In this video I go over A LOT of apps (21 legit apps to be precise) that I either know are legit as I have been able to cash out on them myself or from all the good comments I have received on these apps. These are all win / make / earn money / cash / bitcoin / btc / rewards / paypal app / game / games online 2020 and I do a somewhat review & try to quickly go through them and explain how they work.

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Below you can find my playlist of all the legit apps I go over in this video. In the single videos I did on them for the most part on each one I go over whether the apps / games seem to be either legit or scams, (obviously these ones turned out to be the ones that are actually legit---again either from my experience of being able to cash out or from the comments received by you guys), I also give a review on how the app works, explain how to cash out the games (if I figured it out in the time I made the video) and etc. You can find my playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-RKvGCUTnKUALMBAs_LXQVnIkKzcC3bj

For links to these apps / games check out the playlist as each video has links to where you can find them. I think all of them can be found on the Google Play Store / Android while some can be found on Apple / iOS / App Store / iPhone / iPad.

The 21 apps included in this video are:
ClipClaps, Lucky Time, Poll Pay, Mistplay, Rewarded Play, Hit A Gift, BuzzBreak, Bitcoin Solitaire, Bitcoin Blocks, Bitcoin Food Fight, Bitcoin Blast (the bitcoin apps all use the Bling API), (Lotto Day, Spin Royale, Spin Day, Scratch Day, Scratch Royale (last few are all apps by Viker)), CryptoPop, CryptoWord / Word Crypto, (Lucky Night, Lucky Day & Dice Kings (last few are all apps by the Lucky Day developer))
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