3-6-21 Liberty, Freedom and Resistance - Mayhew 'Unlimited Submission'

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Full description and references at: https://samueladamsreturns.net/3-6-21-liberty-freedom-and-resistance-mayhew-unlimited-submission/

Liberty, Freedom and Resistance
There are the subtle differences in Liberty and Freedom that need to be clarified. In our modern times those words have become synonymous. With having clarity of the differences we can then look at what is proper Resistance to evil – tyranny and despotism.

Liberty and Freedom, in these modern times, are defined moment by moment as the postmodern elites chose to recite the sounds so as to be the ‘Pied Piper’ leading the masses into the river of slavery.

In this era of the ChicomFlu data manipulation and deceptions, the rational for bureaucrats and governors to be despots is for the securing of your ‘Freedom’ to be ‘normal.’ But... you must give up your fundamental Liberties to regain your Freedom.

Enter the ‘new age’ of slavery: at least four future generations of debt to international and fiat money (China and the Federal Reserve), voting nationalized and meaningless (HR1), the Logan’s Run Carousel-Renewal (Covid inoculation), travel only with documentation (inoculation certificate), forced method of transportation and comfort (Green New Deal), muzzled (masks and communications), anxiety-depression-disassociation (manipulated mental health).

Restoring Liberty is the foundation of Resistance. A simple verse in James says: Resist the devil, and he will flee. But the words before those are: Be subject therefore unto God.

Mayhew on Tyranny
see full description link for more: https://samueladamsreturns.net/3-6-21-liberty-freedom-and-resistance-mayhew-unlimited-submission/
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