5 Tips For Your Job or Internship Search During Coronavirus Pandemic

223 Aufrufe
We're living in a crazy time. Jobs are ending, companies are on hiring freezes and summer internship season may be cancelled altogether. While we don't have all the answers, I do have a few tips to help make the most of this time we have. Here is a breakdown of my tips:

1. Set informational interviews
2. Keep applying
3. Companies ARE still deciding about bringing interns on board
4. Give everyone a minute – don’t follow up as aggressively as usual
5. Email template on exactly what to say with status on summer internship

Thanks for watching!

Find your next internship at: http://internqueen.com

I'm Lauren Berger, CEO and founder of Intern Queen & Career Queen. Some of you may know me better as the Intern Queen because I completed 15 internships in my undergraduate career. Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy, especially since I started only three years after graduation!

Not only am I an entrepreneur, but an author as well! My first book , All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience, has become a national best-seller and my second book shouldn’t fall short. Welcome To The Real World re-writes the rules for millennials in the work place and demonstrates how to succeed in their first, second, or third jobs post-graduation.

This YouTube Channel is for those of you who want to get ahead in their career, learn different tips and tricks that make you stand out, and learn a little bit more about me! Make sure you subscribe to the channel!

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