AE Modular Jam - Berlin Moabit

127 Aufrufe
I had a creative block for the last 3 weeks and then got homesick until finally I managed to come up with this jam. Moabit is a fabulous place in Berlin, almost free from tourists (as there's nothing worthwhile to see) but with an old Berlin charm as you can see in the thumbnail photo. It's dirty and rough and there's crime and poverty close to shiny new architecture. But the people there are real and special. I love where I live now, near the ocean and close to beautiful bushland, but Moabit and its people will always have a place in my heart!

The Thumbnail was again made by my son with his incredible Photoshop talents.

All sounds are made only with the AE Modular from tangible waves. To find out more about this fantastic modular synthesizer, please visit

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#aemodular #tangiblewaves
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