Anna Novikov (University of Greifswald, Germany). Pandemics for Patriots in the Time of Covid-19

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Anna Novikov (University of Greifswald, Germany). Pandemics for Patriots in the Time of Covid-19

In the last few months, Covid-19 has created not only a series of health, political, economic, family and individual psychological challenges, but also an aesthetic challenge that became a prominent symbol of this period: the face mask. Very soon the obligatory face masks started to play a role of ideological self-expression offline and in the virtual world. Visual sartorial messages to the audience is an essential part of political ideologies and the connection between dress and politics is far from new, so the masks became politicised too. In a locked-down world, face masks play the role of an ideological messenger, transmitting numerous appeals: from protest against state actions to patriotic state support and various forms of nationalist and populist messages. These masks are self- made or offered on online stores that sold ethnic or patriotic clothes before Covid-19. Besides the profit, these stores are answering the demand of the audience by supplying global patriotic trends, which existed on clothes before the pandemic and have been transferred to masks in local variations.

Dr. Anna Novikov is a postdoctoral researcher at the IFZO at the cluster “New Nationalisms” and works on her research project dedicated to the revival of new nationalist patriotic fashion and performance on the areas of the former Eastern Bloc (East-Central Europe, Baltic States and Central Asia). She received her doctoral degree in History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2013. During her PhD studies she was a Junior Visiting and Research Fellow at the Oxford University and at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture in Leipzig. Her research focuses on the cultural and visual transnational contemporary East-Central European/Eurasian and Jewish history. She analyzes politics and strategies of nationalism and populism and dynamics of identity and self-definition through the prism of visual self-representation, religion, gender discussions, performance and clothing appearance.

“The New Normal”: Sartorial and Body Practices of the Quarantine Era:
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