Australian Drummer Andrew Hewitt - "Drumming Hewitt Style"

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Andrew Hewitt was named "Australia's Most Inspirational Drummer" by drumming peers all across the globe.

Despite being born with Cerebral Palsy and being a wheelchair user, Andrew has toured nationally to different parts of Australia and internationally to Berlin Germany and parts of the USA.

He is a founding member and director of Can-Do Musos, a global voice for disabled musicians.

Andrew is a proud international endorsed artist for Pearl drums, Zildjian cymbals, Vic Firth drumsticks and Remo drum heads and percussion. He is also an international drum circle facilitator for Remo.

This video was made during March/April 2020 Lock Down. Andrew wanted to show people how he makes the drum kit work around his physical challenges with Cerebral Palsy.

We do not own copyright for any of the songs performed in this video, these are used for demonstration purposes only.

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