Being fruitful and multiplying! Genesis 10:1-11:32

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Pastor Rick continues a verse-by-verse study through the book of Genesis. After the Flood God told Noah and his family to be fruitful and multiply – to fill the earth with people. Chapters 10 and 11 describe the nations that came from that and what God did when people rebelled His command to ‘go forth’.
Genesis is the book of beginnings. Within the fifty chapters that make up this fascinating book of the Old Testament God exercises His creative power to bring the universe into existence by simply telling it to do so. Later we will see the creation of a special people with the calling of Abram. The Law is given later. Sadly, sin mars God’s ‘very good’ creation and so we also see the creation of a plan to redeem mankind back to the One True God. This very old book is very relevant to today.
Rick is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel French Valley in Murrieta, California. For more information about what is going on at Calvary Chapel French Valley, go to

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