BEST New Budget GPU For Mining? Nvidia 1660 Super Mining Hashrates Review!

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The Nvidia GeForce 1660 Super is the BEST budget GPU for mining, but why? Let's review the 1660 super mining hashrates and benchmarks on the most profitable coins to mine. Subscribe to VoskCoin!

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Check out the full write-up and review on the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super for GPU mining cryptocurrency, this thread on the VoskCoinTalk forum features mining hashrates and benchmarks, 1660 super specifications AND mining profitability -

When we say, the BEST budget GPU for mining, that is with the criteria that the graphics card can still be purchased new and will thus carry its full warranty. This is exactly why the Nvidia GTX GeForce 1660 Super graphics card is the best budget GPU for mining and often times gaming as well. The 1660 Super has 6gb of VRAM making it possible more this GPU to mine many more cryptocurrencies than some of the older 3gb and 4gb graphics cards such as the 1060 (3gb) and rx470/rx570 (4gb). The 1660 Super is a very efficient GPU for mining, which means that it is low power consumption, and thus does not create a lot of heat either. The 1660 Super has good hashrates, but the mining performance and profitability will vary from mining algorithm to mining algorithm.

Remember to review our GPU mining hashrates and benchmarks on the Nvidia 1660 Super here!

Watch our video on Cash2 mining on Blake2b where we re-purpose older and "obsolete" ASIC miners for passive income profits!

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