Beyond Pearson: Defining the Canadian Interest in the Middle East & Red Sea

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We live in a tumultuous time. The return of great power competition and multipolarity, the emergence of populism and nationalism, coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in vast economic upheavals and served as catalysts for new global realignments. In 2021 MLI is undertaking a project with the support of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung that brings together experts from Canada, Germany, and around the world to define the critical changes to the international order and how we can protect and promote our shared values and interests.

This webinar, the first in this project, will host a discussion about the major realignments underway in the Middle East and the Red Sea. Canadian views of the Middle East seem stuck in a time warp, reminiscent of a time dating back to Lester Pearson and the Suez Crisis, with an Arab world united against Israel. Canadian policy needs to shift from being reactive to regional issues to pursuing a long-term interest-led agenda. This public conversation brings together renowned experts on the Middle East and the Red Sea to explore a strategic framework for Canada.

Shuvaloy Majumdar, Munk Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, will moderate a panel discussion featuring:

- Nickolay Mladenov, Former Head of the UN mission in Iraq, United Nations Security Council and Former UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
- Bessma Momani, Professor and Assistant Vice-President, University of Waterloo
- Mariam Memarsadeghi, Senior Fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute
- Jonathan Fulton, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Zayed University
- Sebastian Sons, Researcher, Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient
- Elana DeLozier, Rubin Family Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
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