Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News - March 29th 2020

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Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News - March 29th 2020
In this week's market update we cover all the latest headlines from Australia, US, China, Europe & other regional markets. Including coronavirus update, stocks, commodities, bonds & currencies. The financial world & macro economic policy is now well intertwined with Bitcoin & cryptocurrency markets. We also look at all the latest cryptocurrency & blockchain news headlines for Bitcoin, Ethereum & major Altcoins. With so much debt globally & rising inequality, we are now witnessing another global financial crisis & economic collapse could be approaching. We believe central banks will unleash more fiscal spending, MMT, QE & negative interest rates to drive asset prices higher & inflate away the debt. Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, Ethereum & cryptocurrency are our best chance at a new fairer system & protecting your wealth. #Bitcoin #Finance #Economics

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