Bitcoin Going To $288,000 (Not A Joke)

162 Aufrufe
In this video, I discuss Plan B's stock-to-flow cross asset model, and how it applies to silver, gold, Bitcoin, and the U.S. housing market.

According to this model, the higher an asset's stock-to-flow, the higher its market cap should be.

Using this model, we can calculate a potential market cap of $5.5 trillion for Bitcoin, based on its stock-to-flow of 56 over the next four years (2020-2024). This implies a price of $288,000 per Bitcoin, assuming that the model holds.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial adviser.

Plan B's Stock-to-Flow Cross Asset Model:

"Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow Cross Asset Model Works Well on Housing":

Bitcoin usage increasing across Africa:

How to get money out of China using Bitcoin:

Bitcoin use skyrockets in Venezuela:

El Salvador village adopts Bitcoin as money:

Paul Tudor Jones buying Bitcoin:

Matthew Kratter is the author of the Amazon best-seller "A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market":

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