Boyfriend Proposes Using Rigged Board Game Cards

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A boyfriend ingeniously proposed to his partner by rigging a game of Clue. Brad Barnette, with the help of his sister-in-law Forest Barnette, photoshopped the solution cards inside the game’s envelope so that pictorially they spelled out his proposal to girlfriend Kristin Laase. Brad, whose original proposal idea of whisking Kristin to a Cinderella castle in Germany was quashed due to the COVID-19 shutdowns, had been planning the surprise for weeks. And at a regular game night, hosted by Forest and her partner in Denver, Colorado, the group played a game of Clue, a murder mystery game, with the result being revealed via a mystery envelope by the winning player. But unbeknown to Kristin everyone was in on the surprise, secretly getting the answer wrong so it would fall to her to open the envelope. As player after player hilariously failed to get the answer, Kristin thought her luck was in. As she reached for the envelope in the middle to reveal what she thought was the answer – she was initially dumbfounded to see she had got it wrong. But then suddenly after taking a closer look at the cards, she couldn’t believe her eyes as the cards revealed ‘Brad at Game Night with the Ring’ – mimicking the usual Clue cards, but for a proposal. As a shocked Kristin took in the news, Brad got down on one knee and revealed the engagement ring.

VideoID: TT-4749

Rights Cleared & Verified: 04/13/2020


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