CEP Webinar: The Threat Posed by ISIS Globally and European Threat Assessment | Dr. Guido Steinberg

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A string of attacks in France throughout 2020; the attack by an ISIS supporter in Vienna, Austria, on November 2, 2020, which killed four and injured 23; as well as the arrests on February 12, 2021, in Denmark and Germany of 14 members belonging to an ISIS-connected network preparing bomb attacks, are only a few recent examples demonstrating the continued threat posed by ISIS globally and to Europe in particular.

Although the current COVID-19 restrictions may have reduced the availability of “soft targets,” ISIS sympathizers continue to radicalize, including online, and present a risk of rising levels of violence once the restrictions are lifted. This Counter Extremism Project (CEP) webinar analyzed the current status, capacities, and capabilities of ISIS globally and in Europe, including Germany, and outlined the current level of threat posed by this global terror network.

Two of the most eminent experts on this subject presented their analysis of the situation:

Ambassador Edmund Fitton-Brown is the coordinator of the ISIL, al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team, advising the United Nations Security Council on the threat posed by these organizations and on the development of global counter-terrorism sanctions.

Dr. Guido Steinberg is a leading German terrorism analyst and in his role at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) advises the German government on security and terrorism related issues. Dr. Steinberg also regularly provides expertise in terrorism trials in Germany, Europe, and the United States.

The event was held in English via Zoom on Thursday, March 11, 2021.

This virtual event is updating the threat assessment presented during a previous CEP webinar in April 2020, see
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