#ChatsWithChaudhrey with Nando (Ferran) Sanchez, SCIEX on Nitrosamine analysis

91 Aufrufe
It was great as always to catch up with my good friend Ferran, about Nitrosamines. We covered.....

What are Nitrosamines and why are they so important? 03:33
What are the main difficulties/ challenges around doing Nitrosamine analysis? 04:23
What is the most suitable technology for overcoming these challenges and why? 06:30
What other areas can this technology help? 09:07
What future trends can you see around Nitrosamine analysis? 10:51
Where can you get more information on Nitrosamines? 14:15
Guess the Album Cover 16:25
Who will reach the NBA finals and win it all this year? 17:13

If you have any questions for Ferran please leave a comment below.

You can also find out more about Nitrosamines via the links below.

Registration for webinars on Nitrosamine analysis in local language:

Spanish 22nd March – https://sciex.li/2cqon1
German 23rd March – https://sciex.li/7rgoxg
French 24th March – https://sciex.li/kv0sdw
Italian 25th March - https://sciex.li/msbl9t

Nitrosamine hub

Nitrosamine technote optimizing the PhEu method

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