China's Healthcare and Medical Devices Market

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The EU SME Centre and China Britain Business Council organised an online workshop on 8 pil 2021 in collaboration with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the SENET (Sino-European Health Network Hub) project on the healthcare market in China.

Under the environment of global change and economic slowdown, profound restructuring and uncertainty in 2019, the Chinese healthcare foreign trade witnessed strong growth. Statistics of China Customs revealed a total import and export trade volume of 145.691 billion USD, up by 26.85%, the highest since 2011. Europe, Asia and North America were China’s top three trading partners in terms of healthcare foreign trade. The US continued to be China’s top 1 trading partner, followed by Germany, Japan, India and Ireland.

The pandemic of Covid-19 beginning of 2020, greatly accelerated the demands of healthcare service globally. Meanwhile, after a decade of reforms, China health reform has entered into a new era. The Chinese government has further opened up its healthcare sector, at the same time enhancing the level of administration in the medical device sectors for foreign products. More policies in the medical device sectors have been introduced – providing opportunities, but also challenges for European SMEs that are preparing to enter or already doing business the Chinese market. For instance, the market of Contract Research Organisations (CRO) in China has been growing rapidly since 2017 along with the Research and Development (R&D) encouragement policy published by stakeholders in China.

This workshop was organised in cooperation with PARP, as a run-up/supporting event to the Med2Meet B2B event that will take place on 21 April 2021.

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The EU SME Centre is a project funded by the European Union. This recording was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content are the sole responsibility of EU SME Centre and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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