CiviLive: COVID-19 – Coordinating bulk purchasing and distribution of food

172 Aufrufe
Eric Goldhagen – Open Flows Technology Cooperative –
Amy Rebecca Marsico & Jacob Missen, Flatbush United Mutual Aid

00:12:35 Jacob: for some more detail on our timeline it was one week between having the concept and modeling in google to having a working tool in CiviCRM
00:13:03 Jacob: We've been refining every week since and hopefully next week will launch a 2.0 data model
00:16:19 2 Thorsten Mehnert, Leipzig:
00:22:27 Amy Rebecca Marsico: AirTable codes and phone numbers need to be transferred from AitTable to our CiviCRM
00:25:22 Amy Rebecca Marsico: There are around 100 mutual aid groups in NYC.
00:31:29 Bruno Novais: Tag
00:31:53 Bruno Novais: Is this how this works? :)
00:32:14 Amy Rebecca Marsico: We normally say “stack” but tag works too!!
00:32:31 Amy Rebecca Marsico: On stack: Bruno
00:33:14 Foundation for Intentional Community: 5 min to go
00:33:15 Foundation for Intentional Community: Hoping all is going well! When you are done, please come join us in the Main Hall for sharing learnings and closing remarks. PS Please nominate someone to report back. Thank you
00:36:05 Tomas Momčilović: stack
00:46:46 Joe McLaughlin: would love to continue this after main session is over, and/or another time...curious about cost/suggested $ donation, if any, per household..sorry if I missed that

00:48:15 Joe McLaughlin: thanks Amy!

 technology sponsored by
iXiam –

With many thanks to
Neil Planchon (Smiling Heart Enterprises)
Rose Lanigan, Ruza Solutions, (
Donald Lobo, co-founder of CiviCRM, president, Chintu Gudiya Foundation (
Björn Enders, Systopia (
Karin Gerritsen, Semper IT (
Dana Skallman & Kevin Cristiano, Tadpole Collective (
Eric Goldhagen, Openflows Community Tech Coop (
Amy Rebecca Marsico and Jacob Missen, Flatbush United Mutual Aid (@FlatbushUnited)
Geoff Webber, Associate Director of Community & Social Initiatives at The Alex Community Health Centre (
Alejandro Salgado & Carolina Bardisa, iXiam (
Birgit Pauli-Haack, Pauli Systems, (
William Mortada (@wmortada)
Matt Spiller
Josh Gowans & Mathieu Lufty, CiviCRM Core Team (
and everyone who attended and supported this event.

June 2020 | | #CiviLive
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