college exam new update in tamilnadu/ final year exam news tamilnadu 2020/ SD academy

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#collegeexamnewupdate in tamilnadu/ #finalyearexamnewstamilnadu 2020/ #SDacademy
Examinations are an integral part of the education system and is a measure students’ learning, knowledge,
skills and other competencies. The performance in examinations contributes to merit, lifelong credibility,
wider global acceptability for admissions, scholarships, awards, placements, and better future prospects.
A large number of best universities across the world including US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia,
Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries, have conducted or are conducting examinations by giving
various options such as Online/Offline/Blended or other alternative forms of examinations.
In order to safeguard the larger interest of the students related to their academic and career progression
globally, the UGC issued Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar on 29th April,2020
mentioning that for the students of Terminal Semester(s)/ Final Year Examinations may be conducted
between July 1-15, 2020.
In view of emerging COVID-19 pandemic situation it was difficult to conduct the examinations in the
month of July, 2020, therefore, as per the directions of Ministry of Home, Ministry of Human Resources
Development, and the report of the Expert Committee, UGC issued Revised Guidelines for Examination
and Academic Calendar on 6th July, 2020.
Accordingly, the Universities were required to chart out a plan for completion of terminal semester/ final
year examinations by the end of September, 2020 in offline (pen & paper)/ online/ blended (online +
offline) mode following the prescribed protocols / guidelines related to COVID-19 pandemic. The
guidelines also mentioned that in case a student of terminal semester/ final year is unable to appear in the
examination conducted by the University for whatsoever the reason(s) may be, he/she may be given
opportunity to appear in special examinations for such course(s)/ paper(s), which may be conducted by
the university as and when feasible, so that the student is not put to any inconvenience/ disadvantage.
UGC vide its letter of 8th July, 2020 also communicated the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
Conduct of Examinations as suggested by MHRD.
Recently universities were approached to inform the status of the conduct of examination. Out of 945
Universities (as per the list maintained by UGC till 01-06-2020) the responses were obtained from 755
Universities (120 Deemed Universities, 274 Private Universities, 40 Central Universities and 321 State
Universities). The information from remaining Universities is being obtained.
Out of the 755 Universities, 560 Universities have either conducted the examination or are planning to
conduct. Details are as follows:
(i) 194 have already conducted examination (on-line/off-line);
(ii) 366 are planning to conduct examination (on-line/off-line/blended mode) in August/September
In addition, 27 Private Universities, which were established during 2019-20 to till date, their first batch is
yet to become eligible for final examination.
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