Comparing South Korea’s COVID-19 Tracking with Europe

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How have European economies differed in policy response to South Korea’s Smart Management System (SMS) for massive tracking of COVID-19? Dr. Park’s research examined the institutional variance of digital contact tracing apps to combat COVID-19 across four different democratic systems, with a case analysis of digitally driven South Korea and the three major economies of Europe – Germany, France and the UK post-Brexit. A comparative analysis of decision making toward digital contact tracing apps to combat COVID-19 was presented in order to gauge a) institutional preparedness for digitalization, b) thresholds for personal data protection and c) policy preferences on foreign influence in the digital domain. By highlighting the variations of policy responses on digital contact tracing by major European economies, this research provided an insight into the projected difficulties in global regulation of AI, such as the proposed Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) at the OECD in June 2020. The research also shed some light upon Europe’s positioning on 5G roll-outs and digital taxation in the age of AI amid the decoupling of the U.S. and China, and explored avenues for cooperation between South Korea and the EU as they enter the second decade of strategic partnership.

Dr. Pacheco Pardo discussed the Europe-Korea/East Asia trade and economic relations dimensions, as well as the strategic partnership cooperation dimension, building from Dr. Park’s presentation.

Dr. June Park, Political Economist and Next Generation Researcher, National Research Foundation of Korea
(EWCW Asia Studies Visiting Fellow, 2015)
Dr. Park's Channel:
Dr. Park's Asia Pacific Bulletin:

Dr. Ramon Pacheco Pardo
KF-VUB Korea Chair, Institute for European Studies, Free University of Brussels-VUB, & Reader (Associate Professor) in International Relations, King's College London

Dr. Satu P. Limaye, Vice President, East-West Center & Director, East-West Center in Washington

Friday, July 17, 2020

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