Coronavirus/COVID-19 Korea Tips + Ginger Tea Recipe (March 2, 2020)

219 Aufrufe
This week on Kwon's Corner is a little different than normal! South Korea has been hit by the Corona virus, or COVID-19, pretty hard, and I'm living in the middle of it. So I want to share everything I've learned about protecting yourself from the virus, and what tools you can use if you come visit Korea during this time.
I'll also share with you my favorite tea that I make every flu season to fight off viruses and stay healthy. It's the perfect healthy recipe for sick people, or healthy recipe for flu season. It's a Korean ginger honey tea recipe that's easy to make vegan.
I hope my Corona virus tips will make you feel more safe and at ease.
Any profits I make from this video will be donated to charity.
If you have read or heard conflicting information to what I've researched, comment and let's get a conversation going.
Any information that I'm sharing is valid as of March 1st, 2020, and might not be accurate when you watch!

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