COVID-19 latest: AstraZeneca vax rolled out +++ Germany extends shutdown till January 31 | DW News

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00:00 The first immunizations with the newly approved AstraZeneca vaccine are underway in the UK. The country is scaling up mass vaccinations against COVID-19 -- with a newly approved and locally developed shot. The shot was developed in cooperation with Oxford University and British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. It could prove to have an edge for some countries struggling to deploy mass immunizations. The shot is less expensive and it's also easier to store. Many experts believe these qualities could make the latest vaccine more accessible for developing countries in particular.
03:09 Germany's sixteen regional leaders will meet with Chancellor Merkel tomorrow to plot the next steps in the country's coronavirus response. Weeks of tougher restrictions on public life have so far failed to effectively bring down infection rates. And the country's vaccination program has gotten off to a sluggish start.
08:20 Other pandemic news: Japan mulls Tokyo emergency; South Africa seeks February jabs; NSW reports no local cases


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