Covid19 preventive practices and income implications in Ethiopia: Presentation by Dr Sindu Kebede

174 Aufrufe
Frontieri took the initiative to conduct nationally representative telephone-based surveys, under our project entitled “Preliminary Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ethiopia”. The major objective of the survey was to assess the current awareness, knowledge and behavior of people in Ethiopia and to identify the key gaps and issues that needed to be addressed to mitigate the negative impacts of the pandemic using self-reported data.
Frontieri conducted a webinar on “COVID-19 Perceptions, Behavioral Responses, And Income Implications in Ethiopia”.
In this video Managing partner for Frontieri Germany office- explains the study finding on preventive practices and income implications in Ethiopia.The content of the presentation bases on the insights produced from the Preliminary Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ethiopia: A finding from national survey.
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