Crypto Q&A Part 3 Vechain Bitcoin Cardano ADA Ethereum Price Predictions Investing and more

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Crypto Q&A Part 3 Vechain Bitcoin Cardano ADA Ethereum Price Predictions Investing and more

Some of the topics we discuss on this Cryptocurrency Q&A -

How I built my money/networth
How to use Binance
Vetho vs Vet
Q&A for crypto and vechain
Vechain partnerships in the USA
Vechain at .05 or .01
Vechain Price when will it come
India exchanges are massive
Spreading the news supply chain blockchain Vechain
Vechain long term hold strategy
Bullrun cycle how many years do you have.
Ethereum staking potential
Cardano can it compete staking rewards and money investing with them.
xrp reach $3.84 the last bull run VET will get too ?
The last bull run was a lot different.
Most consumers were unaware. Not as much money is flowing in right now.
Another big dip might come but what if it doesn’t and you’ve missed out?
How much money can you afford to lose to wait for this bull run….we talk about this.

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Donate Ethereum: 0xE443BBdAa1EC6885Da918f748cE1daA4DE2de3D8

Donate Vechain VET: 0x9a648b71c8299300a0cB1CA9e5EaFc05eF1574ea

This is not financial advice. It's only used for entertainment purposes only.

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ethereum Kryptowährung
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