DAC6 and the Securities Industry

144 Aufrufe
Robert Welzel (WTS Global), Gavin Helmer (Hansuke), John Billige (State Street) and Ali Kazimi (Hansuke) discuss the Main Benefit Test (MBT) shield and the challenges that firms within the Securities Industry face in achieving DAC6 compliance.

Check out the other episodes in the DAC6 Academy series:
⇒ Musings of a European Tax Technologist - https://youtu.be/zAfZcxQXimA
⇒ DAC6 Deferral: is it really a deferral? - https://youtu.be/PjYKSzm43VA
⇒ DAC6 Does Not Discriminate: Hedge, PE, Real Estate - https://youtu.be/Ali9E5ShwpU
⇒ Locating DAC6 in the RegTech Ecosystem - https://youtu.be/ELED8dBkTks
⇒ DAC6 and the PE Industry - https://youtu.be/kbbCsPbULuY
⇒ DAC6 for Foreign Banks - https://youtu.be/hbWDc9Bjxe0
⇒ DAC6 and Hedge Funds - https://youtu.be/pdmlwPrimKA
⇒ Can I still become DAC6 compliant? - https://youtu.be/Sfd3sqOmzSA
⇒ DAC6 and the Main Benefit Test - https://youtu.be/FrgDw8sViOw

DAC6 is the latest tax transparency measure that imposes mandatory reporting of cross border arrangements. Firms must ensure they have introduced detect, capture, and report functionalities for such arrangements. This 12-week series examines different facets of the regime, ranging from technical discussions to practical strategies for application.

Visit https://www.hansuke.co.uk/ to find out more about DAC6 and how we can help you on your journey to effective compliance.
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