Today's shiur is sponsored
Eli Dyckman
leilu nishmas Hendel Miriam bas R’ Mordechai Duvid my wife’s grandmother
Yossi Shasha
Refua shlema for shmuel ben devora, a young father of 3, with a giving heart that never stops. Please keep him in for a complete recovery
Vladislav Zakharov
Refuah Shlema for my 86yr old grandma with covid: Nehama bas Haika
Zev Daniel (Jeff) Haskell
l'ilui nishmat my beloved mother, my teacher, Sarah Baylah bat Yisroel David HaCohen, on her 33rd yahrzeit
Avraham & Chava Hakimian
For the Bar Mitzvah of my son Yehudah Hakimian
Turning of the daf sponsors
Kesher Nafshi ( - Zchus of the struggling Kids In Pain of Klall Yisroel
for a Refuah Shelayma for all Cholei Yisrael, especially from our MDY family. Please consider joining the MDY Tehillim group at
00:00 - Good Morning
00:04 - Sponsor
00:49 - Returning to MDY update
01:31 - Sponsor continued
03:33 - Email
04:54 - Amud Aleph
22:50 - Amud Beis
41:41 - Amud Aleph
43:16 - Have a Wonderful Day
43:20 - Tehillim
44:04 - Shmooze
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Have a Wonderful Day!!
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Full Daf:
Eli Dyckman
leilu nishmas Hendel Miriam bas R’ Mordechai Duvid my wife’s grandmother
Yossi Shasha
Refua shlema for shmuel ben devora, a young father of 3, with a giving heart that never stops. Please keep him in for a complete recovery
Vladislav Zakharov
Refuah Shlema for my 86yr old grandma with covid: Nehama bas Haika
Zev Daniel (Jeff) Haskell
l'ilui nishmat my beloved mother, my teacher, Sarah Baylah bat Yisroel David HaCohen, on her 33rd yahrzeit
Avraham & Chava Hakimian
For the Bar Mitzvah of my son Yehudah Hakimian
Turning of the daf sponsors
Kesher Nafshi ( - Zchus of the struggling Kids In Pain of Klall Yisroel
for a Refuah Shelayma for all Cholei Yisrael, especially from our MDY family. Please consider joining the MDY Tehillim group at
00:00 - Good Morning
00:04 - Sponsor
00:49 - Returning to MDY update
01:31 - Sponsor continued
03:33 - Email
04:54 - Amud Aleph
22:50 - Amud Beis
41:41 - Amud Aleph
43:16 - Have a Wonderful Day
43:20 - Tehillim
44:04 - Shmooze
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Have a Wonderful Day!!
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