Daf Yomi Pesachim Daf 87 by R’ Eli Stefansky

82 Aufrufe
Today's shiur is sponsored

Eli Dyckman
leilu nishmas Hendel Miriam bas R’ Mordechai Duvid my wife’s grandmother


Yossi Shasha
Refua shlema for shmuel ben devora, a young father of 3, with a giving heart that never stops. Please keep him in for a complete recovery


Vladislav Zakharov
Refuah Shlema for my 86yr old grandma with covid: Nehama bas Haika


Zev Daniel (Jeff) Haskell
l'ilui nishmat my beloved mother, my teacher, Sarah Baylah bat Yisroel David HaCohen, on her 33rd yahrzeit


Avraham & Chava Hakimian
For the Bar Mitzvah of my son Yehudah Hakimian

Turning of the daf sponsors

Kesher Nafshi (keshernafshi.org) - Zchus of the struggling Kids In Pain of Klall Yisroel


for a Refuah Shelayma for all Cholei Yisrael, especially from our MDY family. Please consider joining the MDY Tehillim group at tehillim.8mindaf.com

00:00 - Good Morning
00:04 - Sponsor
00:49 - Returning to MDY update
01:31 - Sponsor continued
03:33 - Email
04:54 - Amud Aleph
22:50 - Amud Beis
41:41 - Amud Aleph
43:16 - Have a Wonderful Day
43:20 - Tehillim
44:04 - Shmooze

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