DEW Sunday-God in Pain and Suffering March 28th 2021

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CCL#198868 Rev. Hyun, Hanna preached on God's unceasing love toward humans. She questioned "Why did God of universe become a mere human being? Any other way of expressing His love other than hanging on the cross?" The chapter 22 of Messianic Psalm describes the vivid picture of Jesus' death on the cross, the execution of the penalty. We find God in the middle of Covid 19. He is with us and helps us by virtue of his weakness and suffering. Although we are subject to illness and affliction, but we acknowledge his presence among us. God bore the estrangement and all kinds of shame on behalf of. How thankful being saved and forgiven by the blood of Jesus. His love surpasses every hindrance. Anyone who is still searching for God's presence in their lives were invited to this sermon.
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