Distance You Have Come - The Distance You Have Come - Svara Project Covid Relief Virtual Choir

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Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on all our lives. As people who work with and care for artists, The Svara Project founders, Mindy Pack and Dr. Reena Gupta have seen firsthand the effect on singers. Cancelled performances and shutdowns meant a total loss of work and income for artists worldwide. Every day, we hear more stories of suffering. There were unexpected consequences to this crisis. Venues closed, tours were cancelled, and music disappeared. Musicians and artists lost their income. Their hearts hurt not being able to make music. We all lost touch with the healing power of music. We’ve become disconnected. But we know music helps us move forward together. And one day we'll look back and see the distance we have come. Connecting our world and our hearts This project was created to raise awareness and support MusiCares in fundraising for COVID-19 artist relief. Global auditions were held to cast voices united by music and the belief that we will get through this. Because without music... life would be a mistake Special Thanks and Acknowledgments:

The Svara Project www.svaraproject.com
Mindy Pack www.mindypack.com
Dr. Reena Gupta www.centerforvocalhealth.com
Producing, Mixing, and Editing all of the Audio and Visual Ky Baldwin @iamkybaldwin
Lyricists and Composer Scott Alan http://www.scottalan.net/
CHARITABLE OUTREACH FOR ARTISTS MusiCares YouTube: https://grm.my/VocalHealthYT

Artists in Video SOLOISTS
Name Social Media Handles
Abby Gershuny, Los Angeles, California @abbygershuny
Abner Medina - Aguascalientes, Mexico @abnermedina_
Ali Le Roux - Salt Lake City, Utah @_aliwood
Alison Lewis – Los Angeles, California @alisonlewismusic
Bárbara Estigarribia, Buenos Aires, Argentina @abestudio.vocal
Jarrett Johnson, North Hollywood, CA @jarrettamjohnson
Jennifer Foster – Los Angeles, California @jfoonthego
Jesse L. Stevenson, Nyack, New York @officialjesselstevenson
Omar Nossair - Orlando, Florida @helloitsomz
Sammy Allen - La Crescent, Minnesota http://www.sammyallen.com Sidonie Smith -Berlin, Germany @__.sidonie.__
Simone Kaye- London, England https://www.facebook.com/simone.kaye.3/ CHOIR
Audra Cramer- London, England @audracramer (Instagram)
Ben Roeling- Denver, Colorado @benjorockandroel
Carla Hassett- Los Angeles, California @carlahassett
Dahni Shaw - Los Angeles, California @nanadahni
Danielle René Withers - Los Angeles, California @DanielleReneWithers David Holmes-Jackson Hole, Wyoming @dholmes81
David Michael Frank - Los Angeles, California Http://www.youtube.com/futuresunsets
Felice Hernandez- Los Angeles, California @FeliceHernandezSchaeffer Fletcher Sheridan, Burbank, California @fletchtones
Hannah Lewis- Los Angeles, California @hannahroselewis.docx Jarrett Johnson. North Hollywood, California @jarrettamjohnson
Justin Levy- Atlanta Hampton, Georgia @justinoflevytationmusic
Ky Baldwin- Sydney Austrailia @iamkybaldwin
Lindsey Cloud- Los Angeles, California @lindsey.cloud
Lucy Anders- New York City, New York @lucsqueal Madison Dennis – St Louis, Missouri @madsdennis
Neal Middleton- Salt Lake City, Utah @nealbliss
Nicole Hurst – Houston, Texas @nicolerhurst
Paul Ianniello- Astoria, New York @paulianniello
Seth Pike- New York City, New York @s__pike
Shaunise Brown - Atlanta, Georgia @S.Airee
Todd Honeycutt, Los Angeles, California @toddonline

Music in this video
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The Distance You Have Come (feat. Natalie Weiss and The Monday N
Scott Alan
Keys: The Music of Scott Alan
Licensed to YouTube by
CD Baby (on behalf of Billy-Boo Records); CD Baby Sync Publishing, ASCAP, CD Baby Pro (Publishing), and 1 Music Rights Societies
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