Dr Ansara Turkey Elsharq News Trump success in the Presidential election July 10, 2020

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The United States intervened in 81 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. The Soviet Union or Russia has intervened in 36 foreign countries election. Both countries are always trying to intervene in each other elections. Both interventions determined in many cases the identity of the future President and the elected officials in foreign countries. but not in the United States or Russia. All Middle Eastern countries election is controlled by the American or the Russians interventions from Egypt, Iraq, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Syria , Israel, etc.. All European elections including Germany, France, Italy, etc. are covertly or overtly influenced by the Russian and American intervenes. Will the Corona-virus pandemic affect the potential of Trump to win the presidency? Personally, I believe that Trump will win the election. Simply the Corona virus is global and not an American issue. The last three years of Trump presidency has shown his competence, experience and a moral leader that America need.
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