"Duck And Cover" (1951) with Bert The Turtle #DenkeSelbst Propaganda #420 #AtomBombe Corona #Impfung

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"Duck and Cover" staring "Bert the Turtle" is a 1951 Civil Defense Film Written by Raymond J. Mauer and directed by Anthony Rizzo of Archer Productions and made with the help of school children from New York City and Astoria, New York, it was shown in schools as the cornerstone of the government's "duck and cover" public awareness campaign.

According to the United States Library of Congress (which declared the film "historically significant" and inducted it for preservation into the National Film Registry in 2004), it "was seen by millions of school children in the 1950s.

"There was a turtle by the name of Bertand Bert the turtle was very alert; when danger threatened him he never got hurt, he knew just what to do...He'd duck! And cover! Duck! And cover! (male) He did what we all must learn to do (male) You (female) And you (male) And you (deeper male) And you!' Duck, and cover !'

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