Dystopias and Utopias Amidst the Crisis: Is a New Urban Model Underway?

173 Aufrufe
Webinar 1:
Dystopias and Utopias Amidst the Crisis: Is a New Urban Model Underway?
by Raquel Rolnik

The lecture is part of the Housing and Financialization in Times of Crisis lecture series organized by the Beirut Urban Lab. An adaptation of the City Debates 2020 conference, which was readapted to the webinar format in the Summer/Fall 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, presents public interventions by scholars and activists researching the impacts of the compounded effects of financialization and overlapping crises on the right to housing at the local, national, and global levels. For more on the topic of the conference, visit https://sites.aub.edu.lb/citydebates/
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