160 Aufrufe
How high will the oceans rise due to climate change? The projections are the subject of dispute, with scientists continually correcting their estimates upward. Is this just panic-mongering or are these scenarios within the realm of possibility?
This is an inclusive version of environmentalism and ecological footprint that advocates for both the protection of people and the planet. it identifies the ways in which injustice happening to marginalized communities and the earth are interconnected, environment is showing us the problem in our society. it brings injustices done to the most vulnerable communities and the earth, when Corona virus show up everyone freak the f***k out but do you know why? We already f***k with the nature so much and what is destroying us more is we refusing to listen to our environments and the earth, to the forefront and does not minimize or silence social inequality. Intersectional environmentalism advocates for justice for people and the planet.

#Germany #Berlin #Environmentalism #Ecological Footprint #The Earth #Billans Tv #United Kingdom #European Union #United States of America
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