Ep 08 with John Kaplan | 4 Magic Questions that will align your Sales & Marketing Team

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In today's GROW B2B FASTER episode, our host Sammy, Managing Partner and founder of SAWOO catches up with John Kaplan, co-founder and Managing Partner of Force Management.

Before co-founding Force Management, John served as Senior Vice President of International Sales Operations for PTC, a software and professional services company listed at the NASDAQ. PTC went like 43 straight quarters of never missing their number to wall street!

His company Force Management provides real-world experience to help clients define sales solutions and create management tools that produce measurable results. They e.g. helped NS1 increase its bookings by 60% or JAMA software increase its new and expansion business growth by 50%.

"That's in it for you"
1. How Force Management started and John's daily motivation to keep going
2. How John helped successful companies to grow to their current position
3. How to tackle marketing & sales expenses during a crisis
4. What is going wrong in the B2B marketing environment nowadays?
5. The 4 magic questions that will help you align your B2B sales, marketing and product team
6. Most important things for sales leaders when scaling a company
7. What should everybody in B2B sales and marketing start doing?


You can find John on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/johnkaplanfm or send an email to: [email protected]

John's company Force Management helps clients define sales solutions and create management tools: https://www.forcemanagement.com/b2b-sales-results-and-case-studies

John recommended a guided meditation by the organization Art of Living: https://www.artofliving.org/meditation/online-guided-meditation

John mentioned the book "The Power of Habit" as one of his favourite business books:https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/dp/081298160X

John also recommends the book "Extreme Ownership" as one of his favourites: https://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Ownership-U-S-Navy-SEALs-ebook/dp/B00VE4Y0Z2
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