Ep 9: Romy Mayer | Triple Eight Race & Redbull Racing Engineer

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Romy Mayer is the only female Race Engineer on her team at Triple Eight Race Engineering. She is also part of the Red Bull Supercar Racing Series, but not only that, she is the lead engineer on an AMG GT3 in a race series in Asia where the driver is the Prince of Malaysia! Romy believes that it is important to have role models to help shape the minds of the next generation where we can and inspire them to believe in themselves.

When Romy isn't working under the pressure of long hours and performance delivery testing, she is an Ambassador of the Dare To Be Different (https://www.instagram.com/d2bdofficial/): an initiative that inspires, connects & celebrates girls and women in every aspect of racing. There's more! During the Covid-19 Global Lockdown, Romy became the Future Females Gold Coast Ambassador (https://futurefemales.co/).

Romy and I talk about how she went from being a young girl in school who loved Maths & Physics to studying Engineering at University in Germany and then finding her way to the Gold Coast in the land down under. Romy will definitely leave you feeling inspired to believe yourself and always remain determined on your goals to make your 'Aha Moment' come true.
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