Episode 09 - Forced to Pivot -EVE

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This will be the last episode of the first season of the podcast, we will make a short pause to gather your feedback, improve, and come back with more stories about founders who failed, what they did to overcome the hardships, and how they bounced back. So make sure to follow us for updates and bonus content we will release in the following weeks.

Electric vehicles promise a cleaner environment in the future but the effectiveness depends on people deciding to own an Electric Vehicle (EV).

Currently the biggest challenge for this to happen is the infrastructure, as there are not enough chargers and drivers worry where they will find a charger, in comparison with fuel stations which are plenty.

Sarah-Marie fell in love with entrepreneurship and when she decided to follow this path decided to pursue Entrepreneurship studies where she found her partner and together they decided to solve the EV scarcity challenge.

They realized that the majority of the time privately owned EV chargers are unused the majority of the time as people charge their cars overnight so the natural thing was to connect EV charger owners with EV owners that needed to charge their vehicles.

This brilliant approach to solve the challenge, attracted investors, backers, partners, and even first users to the platform, to what it seemed as a high potential startup.

Their business model depended on people traveling from different places and needing to charge their vehicles so when the first lockdown was lifted they were optimistic to say the travel would come back to normal.

As we now know this is not what happened and when the second lockdown and travel restrictions came into place in most of Europe, they had to make a forced pivot towards a new business model, even with everything going according to plan.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll in businesses, as many founders have been forced to close, pivot, change their path. Her story is filled with inspiring insights that could help other founders facing similar challenges.

What she shared:

- The key role of asking for help from mentors

- The challenges she faced while pivoting

- How she managed to overcome the emotional hardships

- Her insights in realizing you’re not alone facing struggles
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