Ethical Society Mid Rivers presents Kate Lovelady: Uganda Humanist Schools, Oct. 4, 2020

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Kate Lovelady, Leader Emeritus, Ethical Society of St. Louis shared the Inspiring Story of the Uganda Humanist Schools. Ugandan humanists--in partnership with humanists all over the world, including the St. Louis area--are transforming the lives of young women and men and their communities. Humanists in Uganda face extraordinary challenges, but they have made remarkable progress in a short time; the success of the Uganda Humanist Schools broadens understanding of humanism as a worldwide movement.

For anyone wishing to support the Humanist schools in Uganda visit the Uganda Humanist Schools site to donate directly or, to pool donations together and save processing costs, make a donation to The Ethical Society of St Louis. Be sure to designate that your Donation is for The Ugandan Schools if you donate this way.
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