EU plans to make 'vaccination passports' to bring back tourism after COVID-19

193 Aufrufe
“백신 여권 나온다”...EU, 관광 산업 재개 위해 백신여부 중명하는 문서 계획중

To get the travel off the ground again, the European Union is pushing for so-called 'vaccine passports'.
It's an internationally-recognized certificate of vaccinations for EU citizens who have had a COVID-19 vaccine.
Lockdowns to slow the pandemic have caused the deepest ever economic recession in the 27-member bloc,...especially in southern countries, which depend heavily on tourism.
Greece and Spain... desperate to rescue this summer’s holiday season...are quickly pushing to adopt the proposal.
However, other countries, such as France and Germany,...appear more reluctant.
Officials there say it could create a de facto vaccination obligation, when they pledged not to make vaccinations compulsory.

#EU #vaccination_passport #Tourism

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