euro demo germany 05/02

128 Aufrufe
Just in case anyone wants to know:

Internal Disc Name: SCED-03887
Code: SCED-03887|9357827


This is the last PS1 demo disc I'm ever going to play.
Even though I might talk about that there was another one there which I have skipped, I've already played through all games on there. So, from here on out: No more PS1 demo discs.


0:00 Intro
1:37 Alfred Chicken
11:24 Peter Pan
16:22 Rayman Rush
18:53 Ace Combat 3
20:53 Rugrats
27:37 Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf
34:40 Robot Ron (Net Yaroze | Not Functional)
35:25 Yarozians (Net Yaroze)


This was from a stream I did on the 19.06.2021 (DD.MM.YYYY)

Since this was all casual and in fun, the quality is the way you see here. It might not even be something for you (or me) as I am just trying this out. So, Tips and advice are still appreciated.


#EuroDemo0502 #DemoDisc #PlayStation
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