Welcome Jakob Dinkelacker on cornet, french horn and congas!
Tom Jahn (Organ, Synthesizer) and Tilman Herpichböhm (Drums) from Augsburg, Germany, invited some friendly musicians to send them their versions of their Jamtrack called Everybody's Bam while Corona-Virus-Lockdown in April/Mai 2020. That Facebook-Event unexpectedly brought 56 daily-new versions of the song with 68 participating musicians from all over the world in so many different styles and genres.
Tom Jahn (Organ, Synthesizer) and Tilman Herpichböhm (Drums) from Augsburg, Germany, invited some friendly musicians to send them their versions of their Jamtrack called Everybody's Bam while Corona-Virus-Lockdown in April/Mai 2020. That Facebook-Event unexpectedly brought 56 daily-new versions of the song with 68 participating musicians from all over the world in so many different styles and genres.
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