Fallout 3 (TTW / Ch.5) #6: Destroyer of Plans

53 Aufrufe
Let's play of Fallout 3 (Tale of Two Wastelands)
Difficulty - Very Hard/Hardcore Mode

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Mods used in this playthrough:
A World of Pain FO3 (Lore Friendly) | v2.07
Advanced Recon HD Icons | v1.0
Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision | v4.12
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks (FNV and TTW) | v1.2.1
BLEED TTW | v1.87
Climate Control NVSE | v1.0
Consistent Pip-Man Icons | v4.4
Cursor Unilaterally Matched (NVSE) | v1.0
Darnified UI
Delay DLC Redux | v1.5
Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW | v6.4.1
DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement | v2.01
Easy Unlocking and Easy Hacking | v1.0
Elegant Lockpick Retexture | v1.0.0
FNV 4GB Patcher | v1.5
FNV Mod Limit Fix | v3.0
FO3 HUD - Cleaned and Remastered | v1.0.1f
Follower Home Marker TTW | v1.1
JAM - Just Assorted Mods | v4.4
JIP Improved Recipe Menu | v1.2
JIP LN NVSE Plugin | 56.95
JohnnyGuitar NVSE | v4.93
kNVSE Animation Plugin | v20
Legacy Reborn Texture Pack | v0.1
lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes | v.8.65
Many Patches - TTW AWOP4FO3 - No Starter Terminal | v1
Megaton Re-Done Texture Pack | v1.3
MoonlightNVSE | v1.5.1
High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix | v1.0a
Mobile Truck Base - TTW 3.3 Community Preview Edition | v1.2
New Vegas Heap Replacer | v4.2
New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE) | v6.3.0
NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 (LARGE) | v1.0
No PipBoy in Power Armor | v4.03
NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix | v10.2.2b
One HUD - oHUD | v1.2.1
PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture | v3.52
Pip-Boy Light Flicker Fix - NVSE | v1.1
Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE | v1.0a
Power Armor Visual Enhancement (PAVE) | v2.0
"Press X To Close Menu" Hotkey | v1.03
ROOG TTW | vBoredBored
ROOGNVSE Plugin | 3.3.2
Root 'n Loot TTW | v1.1.4
SawyerBatty TTW | v1.14
ShowOff NVSE Plugin | v1.55
Stash Organizer | v2.1
Stash Organizer - Item Sorter | v1.0
Tale of Two Wastelands | v3.3.2
Tale of Two Wastelands - Fallout 3 Interface | v3.2.1
Tale of Two Wastelands - Fallout 3 Movement Animations | v3.2.1
Tale of Two Wastelands - Fallout 3 Player Voice | v3.2.1
Tale of Two Wastelands - Fallout 3 UI Sounds | v3.2.1
The Mod Configuration Menu | v1.5
TTW A Trail of Crumbs | v1.6
TTW Another Interior Mod | v1.0
TTW Hardcore Perk Every Level (Pluginless) | v1
TTW No Faction Armors | v1.0
TTW The Regulators | v1.6
UHD Fonts for Darnified UI | v1.11
UIO - User Interface Organizer | v2.3
Universal Water Bottling - Fill Empty Bottles | v1.03
WAP Laser RCW | v1
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