Fix FIFA 23 launching game stuck | not launching on windows pc (steam,origin & epic games)

149 Aufrufe
This tutorial is about how to fix fifa 23 not launching on windows pc or launching game stuck problem in steam and origin.

Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.

At same time this 2023 released solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platforms.

But this method not working for ios,android based mobile device,ps5 and xbox one.

If you play this fifa 23 via origin or steam launcher,also you can try this same method.

This loading screen problem mostly occurs after update your fifa to new version.

After you tried these methods,if may be it not opening or it can't start just comment to me.

This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to sorunu,hatası çözümü and cara mengatasi languages.


Today i get the following one error notification while i try to launch the fifa 23 via epic games launcher :

Launching game...

You can double click on game tiles to quickly launch a game.


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How to solve fifa 23 not launching stuck on splash screen on pc :

1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why this fifa freeze at load screen or won't launch?.

2.Some time this issues are happening if you not enable the secure boot.

3.So if you like to fix this issue,just force close all the fifa 23 related apps like ea app and epic games launcher.

4.And one time update your ea anti cheat.

5.And also open the ea app and select fifa 23,now you can click on "Manage".

6.And then click to repair your fifa game.

7.Once this repairing process is completed,and then try to play that game.

8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.

#fifa23 #fifa23notlaunchingpc #fifa23launchinggame
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