FMBug 69 - May 23

56 Aufrufe
The line up tonight:
EngageU 2023 Antwerp 12-14 November 2023, dotFMP Berlin 1-3 June 2023 - Jul Carson
Pre-presentation open discussion - first impressions of FileMaker 2023 - Led by Jul Carson/Gary Palmer
Meet FileMaker 2023! - Doug Wallis/Ronnie Rios
Trigger Connect Flow onWindowsTransaction demo - Doug Wallis
Perform Script on Server with Callback demo - Mark Allen
Unpacking the new 2023 OnWindowTrigger - John Renfrew
Q&A: FileMaker 2023 - Doug Wallis

Follow us on Twitter: @FMBugUK

Time indexes for our event are listed below:

0:00:00​​ - Intro

0:01:41 - Claris Community: Trending Now of FileMaker 2023 material and resources
0:02:49 - Introducing the FileMaker 2023 Platform Lineup
0:04:00 - Claris announce changes to Certification
0:05:03 - Dates for the Diary
0:05:40 - Saved the best till last....

0:07:15 - EngageU 2023 Antwerp 12-14 November 2023, dotFMP Berlin 1-3 June 2023 Discussion - Jul Carson
0:13:00 - Pre-presentation open discussion - first impressions of FileMaker 2023 - Led by Jul Carson/Gary Palmer
0:24:14​ - Meet FileMaker 2023! - Doug Wallis
0:55:48 - Claris Connect and 2023 - Ronnie Rios
1:04:38 - Q&A: FileMaker 2023 - Doug Wallis/Ronnie Rios
1:14:32 - Perform Script on Server with Callback Demo and Discussion - Mark Allen
1:43:42 - Unpacking the new 2023 OnWindowTrigger - John Renfrew
2:47:53 - Something to consider with Anti Virus and FileMaker - Gary Palmer
2:57:00 - Outro

Virtual Pub opened with talks that went on into the night and you have to attend to be part of - beer or wine (almost) obligatory!

This event is run for you the community. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and share using #FMBug


Twitter: @FMBugUK
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