Galileo Green Lane – easing pressure at the EU’s internal borders - Kwaku Sumah, @SpaceTec Partners

210 Aufrufe
Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup #1
June 4th, 2020

1. Title
Galileo Green Lane – easing pressure at the EU’s internal borders

2. Speaker
Kwaku Sumah is a Senior Consultant at a specialized space-industry consultancy firm, SpaceTec Partners. Originally from Ghana, Kwaku has since lived in three other countries and is currently living in Munich, Germany. He is passionate about the use of space technologies for socio-economic development.

3. Project
In times of crisis, the importance of space assets for the safeguarding of the economy becomes more apparent. The Galileo navigation system, in particular, is a key enabler of EU responsiveness to crisis situations and has demonstrated its flexibility and utility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Galileo Green Lane is an initiative developed by the European GNSS Agency with the use of European funds to facilitate the movement of goods and freight within the EU.

4. About Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup
Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup is the ultimate digital event for the geospatial community. At a time when the industry is adjusting to remote work and collaboration, the digital event will bring together the most brilliant minds in geo and facilitate an hour of productive discussions and knowledge sharing.

Network. Learn. Celebrate Geo.

The online meetup is an extension of our vision to connect and empower the geospatial community. It’s an opportunity for you to Network. Learn. Celebrate Geo.

- Hear from the most brilliant minds in geo and learn more about their work
- Network with hundreds of geospatial professionals without leaving your apartment
- Have fun and celebrate geo

The meetups are held monthly to touch important topics for the geospatial community around maps, location intelligence, earth observation, drones and geospatial technologies.
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