Germany: Mosque's call to prayer joins church bells to boost morale amid COVID-19 outbreak

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The Adhan, or the Islamic call to prayer, rang out from the minaret of the central mosque in Duisburg on Tuesday, joining the simultaneous ringing of church bells in the city in a move of solidarity and to boost morale amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Footage shows the central mosque of the Turkish/Islamic Union DITIB, during the symbolic calling for the evening prayer at 7 pm. The action is the first time the Adhan has been broadcasted from the mosque since its construction in 2008.

To tackle to outbreak of the virus in Germany, places of worship of various faiths have called off religious services.

In addition, the federal government announced a drastic restriction on public gatherings for an initial period of two weeks on Sunday.

Over 30,000 people are confirmed to have contracted the virus in Germany, and 157 people have died so far.

Video ID: 20200324-057

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