[Global Insight] Can U.S. build economic alliance against China?

160 Aufrufe
- Can U.S. build economic alliance against China?
- 코로나19와 미중 무역전쟁, 동맹국들 긴장

Global trade and economies everywhere took a strong blow from the impact of COVID-19.

But even as countries now start to plan their exit and recovery from the pandemic, it seems continued geopolitical uncertainties particularly U.S.-China tensions will continue to affect trade relations.

For an outlook on how the rivalry of superpowers will fare and impact global trade, we speak with former counselor to the Secretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration and author of 'The World Turned Upside Down.'

It's great to see you Dr. Prestowitz.

1980년대 레이건 행정부 시절 상무부 자문위원으로서 일본, 중국, 남미, 유럽과의 무역 및 투자 협상을 주도한 경제학자 클라이드 프레스토위츠가 전망의 미중 무역전쟁 전망을 들어본다.

Clyde Prestowitz, Founder and President of the Economic Strategy Institute
경제전략연구소(ESI)의 설립자이자 소장 클라이드 프레스토위츠

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